Chair: Barbara Hendrickson, CEO, Securities Partner (BAX Securities Law) and PDAC Board Member

March 4, 2014 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Indigenous/Aboriginal equity participation in mineral exploration

In addition to employment, business development and revenues, indigenous people around the world are increasingly interested in taking equity stakes in exploration and mining projects and companies. This can generate enhanced economic opportunities for indigenous communities as well as generate new sources of capital for exploration and mining companies.

Don Richardson, Managing Partner, Shared Value Solutions: “Creating Shared Value between Exploration and Mining Companies and Aboriginal Communities including Revenue Sharing and Equity Participation”

Ian Brodie Brown, President & CEO, AurCrest Gold Resources Inc .and Christopher Angeconeb, Business Manager, Lac Seul First Nation and Director, AurCrest Gold Resources Inc.: “Lac Seul First Nation Equity Participation Model in the Mineral Sector”

Rob Miller, Partner Miller Titerle LLP and Annita McPhee, President of the Tahltan Central Council and PDAC Board Member “Arrangements with First Nations – Model Structures”

Location: Room 711 Metro Toronto Convention Centre 222 Bremner Blvd. Toronto, ON Canada (open to all attendees of Convention)

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