by Barbara Hendrickson | Jan 14, 2014
Chair: Barbara Hendrickson, CEO, Securities Partner (BAX Securities Law) and PDAC Board MemberMarch 4, 2014 3:30 pm – 5:00 pm: Indigenous/Aboriginal equity participation in mineral explorationIn addition to employment, business development and revenues, indigenous...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Nov 29, 2013
Proposed Multilateral Instrument 45-107 Listing Representation and Statutory Rights of Action Disclosure Exemptions (“Proposed MI 45-107”)On November 28, 2013 all of the members of the Canadian Securities Administrators (“CSA”), other than the securities...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Nov 22, 2013
MI 45-312 Prospectus Exemption for Distributions to Existing Security Holders (“Proposed MI 45-312”)The securities commissions in all of the Canadian provinces except Ontario and Newfoundland published Proposed MI 45-312 for comment on November 21, 2013 which...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Sep 29, 2013
On September 19, 2013, the Ministers of Finance of British Columbia, Ontario and Canada agreed to establish a cooperative capital markets regulatory system and invite all provinces and territories to participate in the proposed system.The cooperative securities...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Sep 7, 2013
October 24, 2013 12:00 EST OnlineThe Canadian Bar Association, Business Law Section webinar will focus on the role of equity participation in the IBA process and, generally, in enterprises involving Aboriginal Lands and First Nations participants. There will also be a...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Aug 29, 2013
On August 29, 2013 the Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”) published a notice which indicated that they are considering the following new or expanded exemptions from the prospectus requirements:1. Crowdfunding exemptionCrowdfunding is a term used to describe a...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Aug 15, 2013
On August 15, 2013 the CSA published a Consultation Paper focused on issues that are directly related to the accuracy, transparency and integrity of the proxy voting infrastructure for a 90-day comment period. The Paper outlines and seeks feedback on a proposed...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Aug 7, 2013
Private Placements – Lapsing of Temporary ReliefOn August 17, 2012, the TSX V implemented, on a temporary basis, relief from certain existing pricing requirements related to Private Placement financings. The three temporary measures (“Relief Measures”) are as...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Aug 2, 2013
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) recently announced a request for comments on OSC Staff Consultation Paper 58-401 Disclosure Requirements Regarding Women on Boards and in Senior Managementon a new proposal which would require TSX-listed companies to...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Jul 30, 2013
On July 30, 2013 the Ontario Securities Commission (“OSC”)published a Staff Consultation Paper 58-401 Disclosure Requirements regarding Women on Boards and in Senior Management(“Paper”) which discussed low levels of representation of women on the boards of Canadian...