News Updates
BAX Securities Law Announces May Toronto Business Lawyers Association Monthly Meeting
Toronto, April 19, 2024: BAX Securities Law is pleased to announce that the firm has resumed its sponsorship of the Toronto Business Lawyers Association (TBLA) networking and business development monthly meetings. Barbara Hendrickson, Managing Partner of BAX...
Canadian Securities Administrators Confirm and Update New Stablecoin Approach
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) have confirmed that it is focused on implementing the interim approach to VCRAs (commonly referred to as stablecoins) even as the regulator has announced the extension of the deadline to October 31st, 2024, for its...
BAX Securities Law Announces April Toronto Business Lawyers Association Monthly Meeting
Toronto, April 2, 2024: BAX Securities Law is pleased to announce that the firm has resumed its sponsorship of the Toronto Business Lawyers Association (TBLA) networking and business development monthly meetings. Barbara Hendrickson, Managing Partner of BAX...
CSA Investor Alert: Emergence of Claims Management Companies
A recent Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) Investor Alert (Alert) points to the emergence of firms, known as claims management companies (CMCs) that offer paid services to investors to interreact with the Ontario Securities Commission and other member of the...
Multilateral Continuous Disclosure Review And Guidance For Independent Review Committees Is Published
Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) A Multilateral Staff Notice 81-337 Targeted Continuous Disclosure Review and Guidance for Independent Review Committees for Investment Funds (the Staff Notice) has been published jointly by the Ontario Securities Commission...
BAX Securities Law is one of Canada’s leading corporate securities law firms.