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Canadian Sustainability Standards Board Announces First Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards for Public Consultation
The Canadian Sustainability Standards Board (CSSB) has published draft versions of the First Canadian Sustainability Disclosure Standards (the standards) for a 90-day comment period ending June 10, 2024. The standards aim to set a new benchmark for...
Canadian Securities Administrators Publish Updated Guidance On ESG-Related Fund Disclosure
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) has published CSA Staff Notice 81-334 - ESG-Related Investment Fund Disclosure (Revised) (the revised Staff Notice), which provides updated guidance for investment funds on disclosure practices related to environmental,...
Bank of Canada Launches Retail Payment Activities Act Supervisory Guidelines Consultation
Under the Retail Payment Activities Act, payment service providers registered with the Bank of Canada must demonstrate how they manage their operational risks, respond to incidents, safeguard end-user funds, and notify the Bank of Canada of certain incidents and...
The Retail Payments Activities Act – Bank Of Canada Guidance On The Criteria For Registering Payment Service Providers
The Retail Payments Activities Act was enacted by the Parliament of Canada and passed into law, on June 29, 2021, with regulations published on November 22, 2023. On December 12, 2023, the Bank of Canada published guidance entitled Criteria for registering payment...
Canadian Securities Regulators Update Guidance On Virtual Shareholder Meetings
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) have provided updated guidance on virtual shareholder meetings. During the pandemic, virtual shareholder meetings became necessary due to quarantine restrictions. In the period following the pandemic, the practice has...
BAX Securities Law is one of Canada’s leading corporate securities law firms.