News Updates
Canadian Securities Administrators and Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization Publish CSA/CIRO Staff Notice 23-331 Request for Feedback on December 2022 SEC Market Structure Proposals and Potential Impact on Canadian Capital Markets
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) have jointly published CSA/CIRO Staff Notice 23-331 Request for Feedback on December 2022 SEC Market Structure Proposals and Potential Impact on Canadian Capital...
CSA Publishes Staff Notice 31-364 – OBSI Joint Regulators Committee Annual Report for 2022
The Canadian Security Administrators (CSA) and the Canadian Investment Regulatory Organization (CIRO) have jointly published Staff Notice 31-364 - OBSI Joint Regulators Committee Annual Report for 2022 (The Staff Notice). The Staff Notice serves as the Annual Report...
Webinar Invite: The Regulation of Stablecoins in Canada
BAX Securities Law webinar series on the regulation of crypto currencies in Canada Please join Barbara Hendrickson and Addison Cameron-Huff on November 3, 2023 at 12:00 PM EST for a webinar to discuss the evolving Canadian regulatory landscape for Value-Referenced...
OSC Releases Report on Artificial Intelligence in Ontario’s Capital Markets
The Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) has published a report, Artificial Intelligence in Capital Markets: Exploring the Use Cases in Ontario (the Report), exploring the use of artificial intelligence (AI) in Ontario’s capital markets. The Report highlights current...
Canadian Securities Regulators Clarify Interim Approach to Stablecoins
The Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) is providing further guidance to crypto asset trading platforms based on its interim approach to the trading of value-referenced crypto assets or VCRAs (commonly referred to as stablecoins) as laid out in in CSA Staff...
BAX Securities Law is one of Canada’s leading corporate securities law firms.