by Barbara Hendrickson | Aug 8, 2016
July 23, 2016Ontario Securities Commission Issues Request for Comment on Proposed Changes for Distributions Outside of CanadaOn June 30th, 2016, the Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) issued proposed OSC Rule 72-503 – Distributions Outside of Canada and Proposed...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Jul 11, 2016
The Securities Committee of the Canadian Bar Association, of which Barbara Hendrickson is the co-chair, filed their comments on the latest version of the Capital Markets Stability Act.Read more here: PDF
by Barbara Hendrickson | Jun 29, 2016
Episode D: The Toronto Business Lawyers Association, Interview with Barbara HendricksonBarbara is is the CEO and Founder of BAX Securities Law and discusses an organization that promotes referrals between lawyers at small firms.Visit the Hassell Tribal Counsel podcast...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Jun 25, 2016
Mitch Kowalski: Why small is beautiful for exchanging ideas, tips and experiences
by Barbara Hendrickson | Jun 14, 2016
Canadian Securities Laws Proposed CSA Proxy Voting Protocols, May 29, 2016On March 31, 2016, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) published for comment CSA Multilateral Staff Notice 54-304 Final Report on Review of the Proxy Voting Infrastructure and Request...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Jun 14, 2016
Canadian Securities LawsRegistration Reform – the CSA publishes the proposals for a “Best Interests” Standard, April 28, 2016On April 28, 2016, the Canadian Securities Regulators (CSA) published CSA Consultation Paper 33-404 Proposals to Enhance the Obligations of...
by Barbara Hendrickson | Jun 13, 2016
“Around the globe, initiatives to price carbon, including cap-and-trade systems, are proliferating at a rapid pace. The shifting evolution of carbon markets, including potential new markets, market mechanisms, and market participants is occurring at an almost dizzying...
by Barbara Hendrickson | May 30, 2016
With the amendments to National Instrument 45-106, Prospectus Exemptions, the Canadian Securities Administrators (CSA) are introducing a new harmonized reporting structure (the New Reports) for exempt distributions, effective June 30, 2016 (subject to ministerial...
by Barbara Hendrickson | May 30, 2016
In the wake of announcing enforcement settlement agreements with mortgage investment entities (MIEs), mortgage brokers, administrators, and their principals involved in trading securities without registration contrary to the Securities Act (Ontario), the Ontario...
by Barbara Hendrickson | May 18, 2016
The securities regulatory authorities in BC, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, and New Brunswick (the participating jurisdictions) have each adopted a prospectus exemption that subject to certain conditions, lets issuers who are listed on a Canadian exchange raise...